
Frequently asked questions

What is Spring purpose?

Spring will accelerate transformation within the UK & Ireland water sector by attracting, connecting and supporting innovators.
By bringing stakeholders together from across academia, the supply chain and water companies, we will deliver better value for customers and better outcomes for society and the environment and support a more sustainable sector.

Is Spring the same thing as the ‘Centre of Excellence’?


Centre of Excellence was a descriptive name of what we wanted to establish. It gave us a direction of travel, as we took inspiration from other centres of excellence from different sectors and countries.

What benefits will Spring deliver?

Spring will deliver various benefits in the short, medium and long terms.

By accelerating the pace and efficiency of cross-sector innovation and collaboration the sector can deliver better value for money for customers, better outcomes for the environment and pave the way to a more sustainable sector.

When will Spring be up and running?

The first iteration of Spring is now live.

We will continue evolving to ensure our services keep adding value and meet the needs of our users.

It’s crucial we hear from you, Spring’s users, so we can achieve this.

How can I/ my organisation get involved?

Make sure you’re familiar with the Innovation Strategy 2050 to understand the burning needs and guide your innovation ambitions. Follow us on LinkedIn and sign up for our mailing list to get the latest updates.

How will Spring link to water company platforms?

Spring exists to solve collective challenges and join up existing platforms – rather than duplicate or supersede the great work the sector is already doing.

How will Spring be funded?

Spring was awarded £250k from Ofwat’s first Innovation in Water Competition, which was matched by water companies.

We will develop a sustainable long-term financing for the future, funded by those who benefit across the sector.

How will Spring be governed?

Spring’s board will be made up of representatives from across the water sector and beyond.

As of December 2021, Spring was established as a not for profit, private limited company trading as ‘Spring Innovation Limited’.

What is/do you mean by an incubator?

An incubator is used to help something grow. We aim to grow, foster and nurture innovation.

Will there be any events or activities that I can join?

We will announce any events or activities on our LinkedIn and on our full website which will be launched in January.

To hear updates as they’re announced, you can sign up to our mailing list.

How are we going to align with other sectors?

We worked with centres of excellence in other sectors – particularly Yocova in the aviation sector – while developing our MVP and will keep learning from them and sharing knowledge, insight and expertise as we evolve.

My question isn’t here, who can I contact for more information?

Please email your question to [email protected] and we will do our to best answer it.

How do I get notified for updates?

You can sign up for our mailing list and follow us on LinkedIn.